Saturday, December 13, 2008

Little Sticky Frog

Little Sticky Frog, originally uploaded by Honduras Sprout.

On the wall outside our front door was this little sticky frog. He was so cute because of his size. He was not much bigger than a US quarter. It was hard to get a clear photo because I had to zoom in so much. I turned to go get something to put next to him for size comparison, and as I turned he took his chance and leaped and was gone into the night.

1 comment:

Bautista said...

I visited in May of 2008 and I was introduced to a much larger frog they call a sapo!(toad)Ever seen one of them? They are much different from our toads or at least any toad I have ever seen.They are huge and look like they have alien heads! My sister in law teases me because I was so scared of them. When it rains they come out and start hopping all over the place. They were everywhere! Now, this little sticky frog is beautiful compared to a sapo!